Quite often we look at the cost of an item or a service and decide that we can't afford it, before thinking it through and determining its true value. Also, massage therapy is thought of by many as a luxury so, only rich people can afford it. I contend that quality massage therapy, focused on the cause of the problem and intended to help your body heal, is the best value possible. If a problem is identified and efficiently addressed in one or a few sessions, it can quite often be brought under control or eliminated, usually with a few specific stretches to maintain the progress.
In each stage of life, you need your body to perform as well as it can, because your health in the next stage of life is determined by it. If we accept our premature physical limitation today, our mobility will decrease even further in five years and even more in ten. We need to find out what the problem is now, so it can be addressed and we can move on.
Let's look at what your problem is costing you on a regular basis. Many people treat themselves with drugs by using: over the counter medications, prescription drugs, medical marijuana or even street drugs. Here we have the cost of the items purchased, the on-going destruction of your liver and with the latter case, possible risk of jail time, if caught. Even when all medications are legally prescribed and purchased, you can get a D.U.I. if you are caught driving while taking them.
Some want to avoid drugs and look to a more natural ways of dealing with their pain. That could be with high dose vitamin and mineral regimens, herbal remedies, essential oils, etc. Here we have the cost of the items purchased and the countless hours of research. Although many of these are not harmful to your body, some are potentially dangerous when taken in large doses or in certain combinations. Most natural methods take time to show their effect, so usually weeks or months are used on each of these quests.
Pain creams, hot/cold patches, T.E.N.S. units, muscle stimulators, ultrasonic or infra-red deep penetrating heat wands, hand held massagers, chair massagers, magnets and the list goes on, are used to help with pain. Another potential expense is from infomercials. Do you have any of those miracle cures for pain lying around? Here we have the cost of the item, shipping and handling, as well as the sense of being duped, when your results are much less exciting than the commercial stated.
Here are a few other things to consider. How many days of work have you missed? How many Doctors visits? How much fuel did you burn up running to appointments? How early do you have to get up in the morning to be sure you are ready for work on time? Did you join a gym with hopes that your pain would go away? (At least, you can still use the gym after we address your problem.)
All of these add up to the true cost of the problem. In the pursuit of reduced pain you can spend a lot more money than you realize.
Really when you think about it, you can’t afford to keep doing what you’re doing.
I can help and you will notice a difference with our first session. After you are aware of the real cause of the problem, you might be able to continue your progress without me. Sometimes it will take a few sessions to get you to a better place in your recovery. I hope you will allow me to help you get past this speed bump in the road. Thank you for your consideration.
Also, please check out the Self-Help Information page to help you find things you can do at home to speed the healing process.
Massage Therapy by Frank
Frank Hester, Certified Massage Therapist